Für mich soll’s rote Rosen hageln
Das Deutsche Theater München veranstaltet
The guest performance of Franziska Wanninger in the Silbersaal planned for July 16 must be postponed to December 3 due to a TV recording. Tickets that have already been purchased remain valid. If customers are unable to attend the new date, the purchase price will be refunded. In this regard, please contact kundenservice(at)deutsches-theater.de. If you have purchased your tickets through another provider, please contact them.
Franziska Wanninger‘s new cabaret solo program is a whimsical homage to lightness. But how often are joy and abyss closer than you think! You think “Oh wonder!” what life has in store for you and in the end it’s just another vegan roast pork. So an onion and a bunch of parsley. Yes my. “C’est la vie” or “Tel Aviv” as the Lower Bavarian says.
The full-blooded actress tells rousing tales of youth at boarding school, false resolutions and dating in times of video calls. The latter can at least be switched off as soon as the guy thinks Goethe’s Faust is a boxer’s newspaper. Along the way, she makes a witty analysis of life in minimalist design cube houses or the cordiality of the associated front yard stone deserts. Wanninger looks people in the mouth, sings about the shallows of life, and manages, as always, to create entire worlds with just a few character strokes, full of punchlines. She humorously shows that happiness does not begin with a lawn robot, but certainly ends with spelt crackers.
Her fourth solo program once again features many delightfully satirical characters who get right to the point. In the blink of an eye, she transforms from a naive, business-minded influencer to a beer-dimpling, puffed-up regulars’ table brother, always on the lookout for the turgid, beautiful life. After all, “much stupider people have already managed that!