China Girl
Das Deutsche Theater München präsentiert eine Veranstaltung von Shamma Concerts
Love is stronger than blood
Theater show with Bowie sound
The preparations for this brand new production of the Chinese National Circus had just started when the production was literally thwarted by Corona. Despite the difficult circumstances, however, this great theatrical show with the music of David Bowie is now ready and waiting to captivate audiences. We are happy to be able to present it for the first time in Munich.
Romeo and Juliet in New York
Analogous to the title China Girl, the innovative concept presents the high art of Chinese acrobatics on the sound carpet of the hits of pop legend David Bowie. These were specially rearranged by the duo Alma and are presented live in the show by guitarist Martin Weiss and singer Alicia Nilsson – supported by various samples. But China Girl is much more than just a meeting of great artistry and legendary songs. For everything flows together in the telling of an equally world-famous story. The plot of the show is an adaptation of Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” and is set in New York at the turn of the millennium.
Culture between integration and confrontation
The love story between Dou Dou and Roberto takes place against the backdrop of a constant confrontation between rival ethnic groups: the westernized residents from “little italy” and the Chinese immigrants. Experience a story about eternal love and fatal enmity between the run-down backyards, cookshops, junk stores and upscale restaurants of Manhattan’s Chinatown. And about the fascination of a culture between integration and confrontation.